Troy Broussard

This week’s member in the spotlight truly defines service for others. Troy Broussard has been a member of NCDD since 1997 and a sustaining member since 2002. He graduated from the University of Louisiana with a B.S.B.A. in Finance and from Loyola Law School. He is known as the “DWI Dr.” with a practice dedicated exclusively to DWI defense since 1998. His NHTSA SFST training dates back to 1999 and Intoxilyzer 5000 operator training to 2003. In addition to his DWI practice, he has also sat as ad hoc judge in the First parish of Jefferson Parish. One of his most memorable victories was a jury .26 felony breath test in Houma, Louisiana. His unparalleled trial record in Jefferson, St. Tammany and Terrebone Parishes can be verified by the clerks. Known for having a big heart, in the words of his fiancée Kathy Rome, “Troy will try to help people even if they can’t come up with his entire fee and sometimes doesn’t charge anything.”
A true New Orleanian, he has participated in Mardi Gras as a member of both the Krewe of Orpheus and the Pete Fountain Half Fast Marching Club. He has 5 sons and 1 granddaughter. As a coach for his 4 boys involved in sports, he has logged in: 12 baseball seasons, 12 basketball seasons and 3 football seasons and has taken 3 all-star teams to various championships. It is no surprise that his 4th son Timmy was an all-state pitcher who received a scholarship to the University of New Orleans. Troy donates at least 50 volunteer hours a month serving his community through the Masons. He is a 32nd Degree Mason, Knights Templar and Shriner. He is past master of the Theodore Roosevelt Lodge #415, sitting master of the 15th Masonic District Lodge, Director of Jerusalem Shrine of Shriners International, 2nd Lt. in the Jerusalem Shrine Motorcycle Escort Unit, degree master of the 31st degree of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry, secretary of Level Lodge #373, master expert of Dante’ Lodge #174, and master of ceremonies of Etoile Polaire Lodge #1. His Shriner work raises money for the 22 Shriner Hospitals for Children which treat burn patients, spinal cord injuries, cleft palates and orthopedic issues at no charge to the families. He is also a member of the High Twelve Club of North America whose first and foremost goal is to “encourage and support good government” through the Wolcott Foundation, which provides fellowships for master’s degrees in federal government or foreign service at George Washington University.
The love Troy possesses for his beloved New Orleans Saints is only matched by his passion for a hearty discussion of politics. Troy truly defines the New Orleans attitude of “Laissez les bons temps rouler”. He always has a big smile on his face ready to host anyone who comes to visit his beautiful, spirited city. The NCDD has been honored to have him as judge of our annual New Orleans Mastering Scientific Evidence mock trial on many an occasion, including this year. The NCDD thanks Troy Broussard for truly defining what it is to serve your fellow man with honor.