Sneh Patel:

This week's NCDD member in the spotlight is Sneh Patel of Savannah, Georgia. Sneh has been practicing law for 17 years. Sneh is quite the international man of the world. He was born and raised in Germany until the 2nd grade. He then lived in India for four years while his grandparents raised him. He returned to Germany until immigrating to Athens, Georgia in the 10th grade. He speaks multiple languages fluently, among them German, Gujarati and Hindi. No surprise that he majored in Political Science and German at the University of Georgia at Athens, while also managing to get a minor in Biology. Sneh went on to the Southern Illinois University School of Law on a full ride scholarship.
After school, Sneh’s love of Georgia called him back. He stayed in Atlanta for a year and then took a job as an Assistant Public Defender in Hinesville, Georgia. He honed his defense skills for three years before giving back to the public as an Assistant District Attorney in Savannah, Georgia where he stayed for five years. While an Assistant District Attorney, he mentored others and served as an interim Chief District Attorney. This is no surprise as Sneh has a magic with people. Sneh has a natural charm with folks, but some of it comes from learning about people from many angles. Sneh’s other jobs along the way include being a factory worker, book binder, cashier at Winn Dixie and a liquor store, research assistant and computer clerk at the University of Georgia (Athens).
The phrase “he could sell ice to an Eskimo” could literally apply to Sneh’s father. He worked in one of the largest ice cream factories in Europe for 31 years. Sneh gleams when he discusses how his dad always “knew a guy” and was the man who could sell or negotiate anything. He learned his stellar negotiating skills from him. His mother worked as a pharmacy technician for many years in a hospital. Sneh is very much a family man. His wife is a CPA, very successfully handling the business aspects of his solo practice. They have been married for fourteen years. Her mother lives with them. Sneh refers to his mother in law as his best supporter and often manages to sell that she is actually his mom and not his wife’s. Sneh and his wife have a daughter who is ten and the light of their world. Sneh is a hands on dad, the kind of dad you’d find in a Cookie Monster costume (see attached photo).
Sneh has received the Avvo Client’s Choice Award for eight years of his nine year practice. This is proof Sneh prioritizes every client as a relationship, one whose ultimate goal is complete understanding and easy communication. One of his top comments from his many five star reviews is his easy accessibility and timely communications. Prosecutors will tell you it’s not unusual for Sneh to open with a hilarious video or joke to lighten the mood. In addition to the NCDD, Sneh is a member of the Georgia Bar Association, Georgia Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers, the American Bar Association, and his local Savannah Chamber of Commerce. Too many times, lawyers fail to cross the divide of work collegiality with prosecutors and Judges. Not Sneh, many are familiar with Sneh’s passion for home cooked meals and his kitchen. Sneh’s friendships are organic and genuine, cherished by many in the most powerful circles of Savannah. Other hobbies include watching sports (especially soccer), and playing poker. If there are sports bets to be had, make sure to find Sneh!
Sneh’s advice for new lawyers is “Find a good mentor/friend that has been doing this for a while and routinely pick their brains. Don’t do something just because everyone else is doing it. Do it because it feels right and it is the right thing to do.” One of Sneh’s favorite wins comes from a motion to suppress involving a roadblock, DRE, and a blood test. He cherishes the win because it comes from a Judge who rarely grants them. Sneh strongly believes in winning the case before it gets to trial. His successful approaches prevent many long fought battles; but if it has to come to trial- “it’s time for Bruce Banner to turn into the Hulk and just smash!” Sneh’s trial strategy is to make it so painful for the prosecutor the next time they will do their “utmost” best to negotiate.
Sneh describes the NCDD with fondness, “Belonging to a group of people that can understand and fully appreciate the triumphs, losses, and struggles of our profession is a blessing… The future looks bright.” We at the NCDD thank you Sneh Patel for being someone we can proudly boast of. Your future is trail blazing and we are grateful to have you among us. There is an old Jewish proverb, “Do not be wise in words, be wise in deeds.” Everyone that knows you, knows you are a man of action inspiring to all. Thank you for all that you do for the NCDD. We are very proud of you.