Bob Murray

This week’s member in the spotlight is Robert Murray of Columbia, Missouri. Bob graduated from the University of Missouri School of Law in 1985, after earning his bachelors degree in Political Science at MU. He has practiced Criminal Law for 29 years, specializing in DWI Defense the past 12 years. After the police improperly conducted the investigation of a head-on motorcycle accident that resulted in the death of his best friend, Bob decided to become a defense attorney, in order to hold officers accountable. Now that accountability is ensuring truth in the forensic sciences brought to the courtroom. Among his favorite wins were the acquittal of a law student who was arrested on his graduation day on charges of DWI, Resisting Arrest, and Chemical Test Refusal, and having the speeding law in his home county declared invalid by the Circuit Court, resulting in the dismissal of over 400 speeding citations. Bob has passed on his immense talent through training 4 associates and over a dozen law clerks to practice Criminal Law, lecturing at 16 seminars on DWI Law for the Missouri Bar, and teaching DWI law to the Trial Practice class at the University of Missouri Law School. True to his big heart, he especially enjoys winning pro bono cases.
Bob has 3 sons and a daughter. He has logged in hours with the Boy Scouts of America, sponsored countless high school special events and activities, and has coached many of his kids’ baseball and soccer teams. It is no surprise his hobby is camping and hiking in National Parks (Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Rocky Mountain NP were particular favorites); snorkeling (Jamaica, St. Johns USVI and Maui); and exploring islands. Bob says, “So many beaches and so little time.”
Bob is a kind leader who lives to help and teach others. We at NCDD are proud to call him friend.